Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Prime Minister Hon. Dr Ralph Gonsalves indicated on 26 January 2022 that the government is willing to go ahead with plans for Vincy Mas 2022, after suffering a two year Covid-19 imposed hiatus.
Gonsalves appeared to be using the prospect of the reintroduction of the carnival as an incentive for the population to get vaccinated, saying that this is one way to ensure it happens. They aim to vaccinate 70% of the island’s 80,000 over 12’s, and will be launching a vaccination campaign over the next two months.
Hon. Gonsalves added: “And people are doing it with churches on Saturdays and Sundays, but healthy carnival activity is perfectly normal. And if the priests could play mas, who is we?”
The Carnival Development Committee held a press conference on 1 February, announcing that they were giving a platform to artists and performers, and would facilitate the safety of all patrons as well as a successful carnival. They stated further that the mas will be held in Covid-19 safe zones scattered across SVG.
Mas bands have received a green light to design costumes and prepare for the carnival. If everything goes as planned, artists and revellers will once again take centre stage to entertain patrons with music, dance and art performance, as well as some delicious cuisine.
The Beauty Shows Committee is currently taking applications for Miss SVG 2022; applications will close on 4 March 2022. Vincy Mas is expected to take place on 4 and 5 July, with the carnival size determined by the rate of vaccination at the time of the carnival.