Julians Promos, a soca music promotion platform, has gained one million subscribers on YouTube. Soca News caught up with Julian, the man behind the brand, to find out more about this amazing feat.
How does it feel to gain a million subscribers? Julian said: “It feels good, more so because it’s the only majority soca-focused channel to reach such a strong following. We have subscribers from all over the world on our channel and we hope we can continue to build this following, not just on YouTube but across other streaming platforms. Significant numbers are needed to show the genre has a following despite the name “soca” being left off various other platforms.”
He admitted: “We initially didn’t want to bring attention to the fact we crossed one million subscribers.” However, major music industry figures encouraged him to release the information to create awareness.
So what’s next for Julians Promos? “At the end of each year we usually re-evaluate ourselves; in 2020 we actually had the entire year to re-evaluate ourselves. Our goal is to encourage artistes to release music. We can’t have a genre go dead because there are no carnivals. A genre needs consistent traction to keep relevant, not just for listeners but on streaming platforms. Don’t let listeners feel the only time they will hear new soca is during carnival ‑ they will just tune out of the genre and go listen to other things. We also partnered with AdvoKit Productions on a new riddim called ‘Tender Touch’. The goal I had for this is to encourage more music to release.”
Julian expanded on the company’s activities: “We’ve actually cut back on a lot of services we used to offer, due to timing and demand. Right now, we’re just offering online and email marketing services. Also because of the near-80% decline in music that usually releases this year, I’ve started a personal DJ email pool, where we gather a batch of the recent releases and email them out to as a package. This was hard to do before because we were too busy with all the email administration, uploads, analytics and artiste representations. Since there isn’t much music these days, and many artists don’t want to pay for marketing packages due to financial constraints, creating DJ packages was another way for us to get the music out and help out.
“There is more than one way to express thankfulness, be it to a higher power, the people we love or the music we connect with. One thing remains unchanged: with gratitude comes a tender touch. We thank you, the listeners, for your unwavering support and loyalty,” concluded Julian.
Soca News celebrates the success of Julians Promos and their dedication to soca music.