Last Thursday, 4 April, all eyes were focused on Saint Lucia at the media launch for Saint Lucia Carnival 2024.
The event featured a welcoming address from Miss Tamara Gibson, chairperson of the Carnival Planning Management Committee (CPMC).
She stated that ‘Lucian Carnival continues to grow every year in every way’ and that ‘The event marked the beginning of what promises to be an unforgettable Carnival season’.
Miss Gibson also announced many exciting additions to this year’s celebrations regarding community carnivals, including a Dennery Segment show and a School’s Panorama Festival.
The Minister for Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information, Honorable Doctor Ernest Hilaire, was another speaker at Thursday’s event. He explained that ‘Carnival in the city will now be a five-day event, allowing Castries to explode as a centre for creativity for Carnival.’
Minister Hilaire also highlighted that Carnival celebrations would also like to focus on the stability of Saint Lucia’s culture. This is why various new events have been introduced to the calendar. The aim is to involve the youth by creating a space specifically for the schools and Dennery Segment.
Among other exciting announcements, the calendar of activities for the season was released. This included dates of community carnival celebrations, major events, and competitions such as the Groovy and Power Soca Monarch and the National Carnival Queen show.
With some mas bands already sold out and new music released, Saint Lucia Carnival 2024 is scheduled for 1 – 17 July and may be the best yet.