There are many ways to enjoy rum. St. Kitts offers the connoisseur a “deep dive” into an “immersive experience” that promises to go that one step further. Guided by two acclaimed Kittitian rum experts, visitors will undergo a thorough baptism into the signature spirit of the Caribbean.
The Kittitian RumMaster programme was officially launched in January 2023. The Minister of Tourism Hon. Marsha Henderson said: “This tour will allow travellers to experience St. Kitts in a different way and take back home a part of our island’s rich history by becoming a Kittitian RumMaster.”
How exactly do you achieve rum-mastery? Your adventure starts at Wingfield Estate – claimed as the oldest-established rum distillery in the Caribbean – where you’ll learn about the history of the spirit from the founder of Old Road Rum, Jack Widdowson. He’ll introduce you to the wonderful alchemy that transforms sugar cane into gorgeous, smooth, sippable rum, before inducting you into the secrets of tasting and identifying different flavour profiles. After a walking tour of this estate with its atmospheric old buildings, and learning about its significance in the island’s history, you will end Part 1 of the course by labelling your own bottle of rum.
Part 2 takes place at the Spice Mill Restaurant on Cockleshell Bay. Here, Roger Brisbane will show you how to craft the perfect rum cocktail, explaining how spiced rum is created and providing a masterclass on rum-blending techniques. Roger is the mastermind behind Hibiscus Spirits, which is making a name for itself with its distinctive Coconut Rum and Spiced Rum, flavoured with locally grown sorrel (Roselle hibiscus). As well as imparting a beautiful red glow to the rums, sorrel is credited with powerful health benefits. To rround off a rum-lover’s perfect day, you’ll be presented with a Kittitian RumMaster Certificate of Completion.
At the launch of the programme, Tourism Authority CEO Ellison ‘Tommy’ Thompson said: “We are excited to invite travellers worldwide to spend a day with kindred spirits.” Before you arrive, ease yourself into the mood by browsing through the enticing cocktails in the downloadable brochure on the Tourism Authority’s website. All feature Kittitian rums which are a must-try while on the island. The two-part RumMaster programme is bookable via St. Kitts Tourism website.