Woodley Community Carnival
Sat 08 Jun 2024
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About Carnival
The Carnival first took place in 1960 to raise funds to build a youth centre. Geoff Goodworth and Max Steggles, members of the Woodley Venturers Youth Club, were its instigators.
In 1959 the Woodley Venturers Youth Club began its activities and a sub-committee was formed to explore the possibilities of the Venturers sponsoring a Carnival Day and Procession, with the proceeds going towards a Club Building with as many facilities as possible. The building was erected behind the Coronation Hall in 1964 and completed in 1965. Can you imagine what it must have meant to the people who had been in on the original idea? Not only a building, but a Carnival Day which turned into a Carnival Week with numerous organisations taking part and also benefiting from the generous donations which, over the first nine years, totalled several thousands of pounds from the people of Woodley.
In 1969 it was decided, as the Youth Club Building was completed and the club wished to be self-supporting, that in future the Carnival should be presented by the Woodley Carnival Committee and that the profits be shared amongst local good causes.
Woodley attained town status in 1974 and the annual Carnival remained at the heart of the community. The huge event with a week-long timetable of events culminating in the Carnival Day and Procession continued to raise money for local organisations.
In 1959 the Woodley Venturers Youth Club began its activities and a sub-committee was formed to explore the possibilities of the Venturers sponsoring a Carnival Day and Procession, with the proceeds going towards a Club Building with as many facilities as possible. The building was erected behind the Coronation Hall in 1964 and completed in 1965. Can you imagine what it must have meant to the people who had been in on the original idea? Not only a building, but a Carnival Day which turned into a Carnival Week with numerous organisations taking part and also benefiting from the generous donations which, over the first nine years, totalled several thousands of pounds from the people of Woodley.
In 1969 it was decided, as the Youth Club Building was completed and the club wished to be self-supporting, that in future the Carnival should be presented by the Woodley Carnival Committee and that the profits be shared amongst local good causes.
Woodley attained town status in 1974 and the annual Carnival remained at the heart of the community. The huge event with a week-long timetable of events culminating in the Carnival Day and Procession continued to raise money for local organisations.